Pivacy Policy

CAMPA is a registered brand name, products are manufactured by:

De Vunt 14
B-3220 Holsbeek
Our number for value added tax is BE 0400.622.470

Your personal data, our responsibility

On our website we will collect personal data. These data will be managed by our company.
When you visit our site we will keep the following data:

  • your domain name (ip address)
  • your e-mail address in case you put messages/questions on our website
  • your e-mail address in case you communicate this to us
  • all information related to the pages of other sites that you have consulted in order to reach our site - all information related to the pages that you have consulted on our website
  • all information that you have supplied to us voluntarily (such as research information and/or site-registration)

This information will be used: - for improving the content of our website - for being able to contact you for direct marketing purposes

Use of cookies

On our site we do not use any cookies (a cooky is a small file that is sent by the Internet server and which will install itself on the hard disk of your computer. This file keeps record of traces of sites visited on Internet and contains a number of data concerning this site visit).


In case we receive or transfer data on our website, we will always use the technologies for codification recognised as being the normal standard within the IT sector. We have made use of the necessary security measures to avoid loss, unjustified use or change of information that we may have received on our site/ In case we would receive or transfer sensitive information, such as for example financial information, we will make use of a secured server.

How to contact us concerning our Privacy Policy?

  • In case you want to react to our privacy policy, you can contact us as follows:
    - via e-mail: info@campa.com
  • In case you send us your postal address via the web It is possible that you will receive periodical mailings from us with information on products and services and upcoming events. In case you do not want (anymore) to receive such information, please contact us on the above-mentioned address.
  • In case you have communicated your telephone number to us via the web It is possible that you will be contacted by phone by our company with reference to information about our products and our services for upcoming events. In case you do not want (anymore) to receive such calls, please contact us on the above-mentioned address.
  • In case you communicate us your e-mail address via the web It is possible that you will be contacted by our company via e-mail to supply you with information with reference to our products and our services for upcoming events (for direct marketing purposes) on the condition that you have given us your explicit approval or in case you are already customer with us and you have given us your e-mail address. In case you do not want (anymore) to receive such e-mails, please contact us on the above-mentioned address.
  • In case you do not want to receive any mails or phone calls, please contact the Robinson-list of the Belgian Association for Direct Marketing (online: www.robinsonlist.be, free phone number: 0800-91 886 or by post: BDMV, Robinson list, Buro&Design Center, Heizel Esplanade B46, 1020 Brussels, Belgium)
  • Our company may want to use consumers information for new purposes that may not yet be foreseen in our “privacy policy”. In that case, we will contact you before making use of your data for these new purposes, to inform you of the change in our regulations with respect to the protection of personal data and to allow you to refuse your participation.
  • In case you judge that our site is not in accordance to our privacy policy, please contact us.

Campa respects your privacy according to the Belgian law of 8 December 1992 and will only use your data to possibly keep you informed about our products and activities.

Campa respects your data privacy.
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